Combatting Illegal Immigration:

Matt Hall visiting the southern border with the Texas National Guard.

The Biden administration’s immigration policies have facilitated an increase in illegal border crossings, including by some individuals with violent criminal histories. These policies have also resulted in a rise of fatal drugs like fentanyl entering the U.S. and reaching communities throughout West Michigan.

In 2018, Kalamazoo County implemented measures to establish itself as a “Sanctuary County,” thereby declining complete cooperation with Federal Immigration Officials. These designated areas, known as sanctuary cities and counties, provide a safe haven for convicted criminals to evade deportation, even if they are apprehended for unrelated offenses. The detrimental impact of these sanctuary policies hinders the efforts of federal immigration officials and worsens the public safety predicament.

Last year, Matt proposed a bill that aimed to prevent counties and cities from implementing regulations that hinder local workers from interacting or collaborating with federal immigration authorities. This legislation would ban “Sanctuary Counties” throughout Michigan.

Backing Law Enforcement & Protecting Our Communities:

Matt Hall with Allegan County Sheriff and Prosecutor

The Defund the Police movement is very dangerous and politicians who support this radical ideology threaten everyone’s safety. Matt is committed to building safer communities by supporting law enforcement. He voted for legislation to recruit and retain more high-quality police officers, make it easier for veterans to apply for law enforcement training, strengthen relationships between communities and law enforcement, and permanently fund local county road patrols in Kalamazoo and Allegan counties.

Matt is working hard to ensure police officers and first responders have state-of-the-art equipment to protect themselves, so he voted for riot gear and body armor grants; communications equipment upgrades; enhancement of the K-9 units; more first aid equipment; and more funding for narcotics teams.

With the recent surge of smash-and-grab attacks at retail stores, Matt co-sponsored a new law to crack down on organized retail crime. He also voted to provide law enforcement more resources to track down and arrest these brazen criminals.

The brave men and women of law enforcement protect us every day – and Matt Hall is proud to have their back.

Cutting The Income Tax 

Michigan Democrats implemented budget changes that resulted in an increase in the state’s income tax rate from 4.05% to 4.25% for individuals and small businesses this year. Despite beginning 2023 with a $9 billion budget surplus, the Democrats utilized the entire surplus in their $82 billion budget last summer, and continued to spend beyond that in the fall. Without the tax hike, the Democrats’ extravagant spending was forecasted to lead to a budget shortfall.

Matt introduced a bill aimed at reducing taxes by 2.5 billion dollars each year in the State of Michigan. This proposal would have resulted in a decrease in income tax to 3.9%, leading to an annual savings of $1,140 for the average household. Despite receiving approval from both the House and Senate, the Governor ultimately vetoed the tax cuts.

Instead, Democrat policies have increased the monthly cost of living for the average Southwest Michigan family by over $950 a month. When you add on the recent Democrat tax increase and future ban on fossil fuels, families will be paying more than $1200 a month to live, verses just a few years ago.

During his conversations with residents in Kalamazoo and Allegan Counties, State Rep. Matt Hall hears the same worry among many families. They express their deep concern about the escalating costs of groceries, gas, and other daily expenses, which are imposing a substantial strain on families and seniors.  

This is why Matt supports cutting the Income Tax to put more money back in your pocket.

Unleashing American Energy:

Matt supports an ‘all of the above’ American energy plan. He strongly opposes the Biden agenda of stopping American energy exploration and pipelines. Matt voted in favor of the Line 5 tunnel pipeline, which is crucial to supply Michigan and the Midwest with energy. If a small vocal minority are successful in shutting down the pipeline, there will be an even greater spike in energy costs that will hurt families and small businesses throughout our State.

Matt voted against the legislation that was approved this year to prohibit fossil fuels and require the use of wind and solar energy in Michigan by 2040. These measures will double your electricity bill and lead to an unstable energy grid that may experience frequent power outages. Additionally, more than 200,000 acres of Michigan’s beautiful land will be filled with wind turbines and solar panels. Apart from the financial burden and lack of reliability, environmental experts are worried about the potential impact on the ecosystem and wildlife. That’s why Matt advocates for the reversal of the “Green Energy” mandates in Michigan.

Protecting Women’s Privacy and Sports.

Matt Hall on NEWSMAX

Matt strongly believes that State laws and Title IX should be in place to protect women’s sports and their privacy while at school. Instead the Democrats at the State and Federal level have done the opposite over the past year, changing verbiage and definitions that allow biological men into your daughters sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms.  Matt strongly opposes these radical changes that put your daughters safety at risk.  

This is why Matt voted no on the legislation and went on National TV to advocate against it.

Standing Up To China

The Chinese Communist Party has initiated a comprehensive effort to obtain vital assets in the United States, gather information on American individuals, and impact our day to day life.  As part of this endeavor, they are buying agricultural land throughout the United States, frequently in close proximity to important military locations, consequently jeopardizing our supply chains, food security, and national security. 

Currently, Chinese Communist Party affiliated corporations own over 380,000 acres of land throughout the United States. Last year, Matt introduced legislation to prohibit China from buying Michigan farmland and business. We have to protect the people of Michigan from adversarial countries who wish to do us harm.